Websphere Application Server 6.1 Test Environment

What Do Web. Logic, Web. Sphere, JBoss, Jenkins, Open. NMS, and Your Application Have in Common This Vulnerability. By breenmachine. What The most underrated, underhyped vulnerability of 2. Im about to bring it to yours. No one gave it a fancy name, there were no press releases, nobody called Mandiant to come put out the fires. In fact, even though proof of concept code was released OVER 9 MONTHS AGO, none of the products mentioned in the title of this post have been patched, along with many more. In fact no patch is available for the Java library containing the vulnerability. In addition to any commercial products that are vulnerable, this also affects many custom applications. In this post Ill be dropping pre authentication, remote code execution exploits that leverage this vulnerability for Web. OYx5VaVqZo/T0JMDeVLaZI/AAAAAAAACf0/UwYStrpUhA8/s1600/New-kdb-name.jpg' alt='Websphere Application Server 6.1 Test Environment' title='Websphere Application Server 6.1 Test Environment' />Websphere Application Server 6.1 Test EnvironmentLogic, Web. Sphere, JBoss, Jenkins, and Open. NMS. All on the newest versions. Even more interesting, Ill detail the process we went through to discover that these products were vulnerable, and how I developed the exploits. This should empower you to go out and find this same bug in your own software or commercial products that you or your clients use. All code can be found on the Fox. IBM Integration Bus formerly known as WebSphere Message Broker is IBMs integration broker from the WebSphere product family that allows business information to. The first tuning decision youll need to make is determining how many simultaneous connections your IBM HTTP Server installation will need to support. This controller lets you send an FTP retrieve file or upload file request to an FTP server. If you are going to send multiple requests to the same FTP server. Glove Security Github. Ill also be touching on why this bug is unlikely to go away soon. You can infuriate your developers and ops people by telling them to follow the instructions in The Fix section to remediate this in your environment. It will fix it, but its an admittedly ugly solution. This post is going to be long. Because Im a nice person, I made you an index. Feel free to skip straight to the exploits if youve got better things to do than read my rambling Background Unserialize vulnerabilities and why didnt I hear about this soonerThe Vulnerability Light details on the work of frohoff and gebl. How Common is Commons How to find software that is vulnerable. Exploit Dev for Skiddies The high level process to using this vulnerability. Exploit 1 Web. Sphere Application Server. Exploit 2 JBoss Application Server. Exploit 3 Jenkins. Exploit 4 Web. Logic Application Server. Exploit 5 Open. NMS Through RMIThe Fix How to Monkey Patch Your Servers. Background. Unserialize Vulnerabilities for Dummies. Unserialize vulnerabilities are a vulnerability class. Most programming languages provide built in ways for users to output application data to disk or stream it over the network. The process of converting application data to another format usually binary suitable for transportation is called serialization. The process of reading data back in after it has been serialized is called unserialization. Vulnerabilities arise when developers write code that accepts serialized data from users and attempt to unserialize it for use in the program. Depending on the language, this can lead to all sorts of consequences, but most interesting, and the one we will talk about here is remote code execution. Previous Work. There have been a few Java unserialize vulnerabilities published in the past few years. One was discovered in the Spring framework, another in Groovy, and yet another in one of the other commons library, commons fileupload. All of these vulnerabilities were eventually fixed. Unfortunately I cant take credit for finding the vulnerability in the commons collections library. Myself and a fellow researcher, dronesec really dropped the ball on this one. Nearly two years ago, we decided we wanted 0 day in Web. Sphere application server. The project started off promising, with such a large code base and so much exposed, there had to be something vulnerable. After some time searching we eventually got it into our heads that it would be amazing if we could find an unserialize vulnerability in Java or a common library. Why Because EVERYTHING in the Java world uses object serialization, and almost everything can be coerced into accepting unsafe, user provided serialized data see the exploits section of this post for proof. We started down this path and found some cool leads in the world of Java unserialize vulnerabilities, some of which well probably continue to look into. Unfortunately, we didnt find anything leading to remote code execution. Java Serialization  How a Library Screwed You Over. Serialization Basics. Unserialize vulnerabilities are totally language dependent. Here Ill describe the basics of how it works in Java, and why an unserialize vulnerability in any of the hundreds of libraries your application loads, even libraries you dont use, can ruin your day. As described earlier, serialization is the process by which your programming language lets you convert data to a static, binary format, suitable for saving to disk or sending over the network. Unserialization, or deserialization, is exactly the opposite. It takes binary data and converts it back to something that you can use. Since this is all a bit hand wavy and high level, lets take a look at some basic Java code that shows how someone might use serialization. Object. Input. Stream. File. Input. Stream. Object. Output. Stream. File. Output. Stream. Serialize. Test. String args throws Exception. This is the object were going to serialize. String name bob. Well write the serialized data to a file name. File. Output. Stream fos new File. Output. Streamname. Object. Output. Stream os new Object. Output. Streamfos. Objectname. Read the serialized data back in from the file name. File. Input. Stream fis new File. Input. Streamname. Object. Input. Stream ois new Object. Input. Streamfis. Read the object from the data stream, and convert it back to a String. String name. From. Disk Stringois. Object. Print the result. System. out. printlnname. From. Disk. The above code simply writes the String bob to disk using Javas serializable interface, then reads it back in and prints the result. The following shows the output from running this code. DesktopSerial. Test java Serialize. Test. breensus l breens DesktopSerial. Test xxd name. ser. Notice the file on disk name. In particular the bytes aced 0. Java serialized object. Not particularly exciting, but a good demonstration of the basics of Java object serialization. Java Objects and More Complex Serialization. As an object oriented language, Java has a concept of Objects. Those unfamiliar with the concept can think of these like user defined data types. For example, in Java, a String is a type, and you can do things like this. String name bob. System. This prints out 3. System. out. printlnname. This prints out bo. The methods length and substring arent magic. Theyre part of the definition of the String object. As a programmer, you can define your own objects and methods. Now that weve skipped about 6 months of Intro to Java, lets skip a few more and go straight to custom object serialization. Consider the following code. Object. Input. Stream. File. Input. Stream. Object. Output. Stream. File. Output. Stream. Serializable. import java. IOException. public class Serialize. Test. public static void mainString args throws Exception. This is the object were going to serialize. My. Object my. Obj new My. Object. my. Obj. Well write the serialized data to a file object. File. Output. Stream fos new File. Output. Streamobject. Object. Output. Stream os new Object. Output. Streamfos. Objectmy. Obj. Read the serialized data back in from the file object. File. Input. Stream fis new File. Input. Streamobject. Activation Code For Street Legal Racing.