Astro Saber Manual Pdf

Motorola Test Set Information Index. The Motorola Portable Test Set has gone through several generations. Besides. being portable in the sense that a lunch pail is portable, it was never designed to. The original test set was the P 8. This unit was built  used in the. This test set hashad a vacuum tube based crystal. Note the crystals from the era lying on top of the test set in the second picture. The unit has a attenuator control but it wasnt an atenuator as we think of it today. RF amplifier tubes. Some field mods were developed to provide a lower level signal, most lowered the. RF amplifier plate voltage but the circuit became unstable if. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Caderno do Aluno de Filosofia do Ensino Mdio do 3 ano do Estado de So Paulo. Volume 1. by renatoparanoia in Types Brochures and filosofia estado de so. Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semiangle. A ideia de planeta evoluiu ao longo da histria, desde as estrelas errantes divinas da antiguidade at os objetos concretos da era cientfica. Getting Started On Electric Guitar With Keith Wyatt Games more. Other field mods added an attenuator after the RF amplifier. RF leakage. Speaking of leaks, the filament and plate circuit btteries frequently leaked, and. Caixa alta uma expresso usada em tipografia para referir a escrita com letras maisculas. Caixa baixa, por seu turno. Web oficial de la Universidade da Corua. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. Provider of Motorola Saber Programming Cables, batteries, chargers, OEM Parts. One. major design flaw was that the metering cable was wired into the test set, and the. A common mod was to. One common problem was that on many service calls the receiver. Another common homebrew option was a steel. I used one of these test sets for years on tube type mobiles and stations, made. Astro Saber Manual Pdf' title='Astro Saber Manual Pdf' />Motracs  Motrans from an 1. I gutted, cut one pin off and wired a cable into, and finally gave it. I picked up a TU5. Dj Alex Electro Enterprises'>Dj Alex Electro Enterprises. Motrac  Motran cable and a MICOR cable kit. Click here for a 6. AlfaRomeo/AlfaRomeo7.jpg' alt='Astro Saber Manual Pdf' title='Astro Saber Manual Pdf' />Astro Saber Manual PdfMB ZIP file of. MB of the outside and inside of a P 8. Shawn Rutledge KB7. PWD. Courtesy of Jim Conrad W8. MQ we have a 8. 80 KB PDF of the real. P 8. 50. 1 A Test Set Manualpart number. B no, thats not a typo, its one of the few manuals that start. This one had to have been a field paint job. The TU5. 46 series The greyface units were the follow on models to the P 8. The TU series had. Cinch Jones corp. The only source of the mate was Motorola at an outrageous. I was charged over 6. NOTE Think SEVERAL times before taking the. It falls apart into a bunch of pieces and is a. You will wish that you had three, if. The cabinet of both the TU 5. S1. 05. 6  1. 05. P 8. 50. 1 and a deviation. Both the greyface and silverface test sets have an internal generator, and came. Hz crystal and had two open sockets. Two additional crystals in the range of. Hz to 1. 3 MHz could go into the test set generator, and crystals from 1. MHz went into the peaking generator. The. manual for the TK5. Eric Lemmon WB6. FLY. How to ruin your test set. Both the greyface and silverface test sets were powered by four 1. D cells in series. N cell and the N cell is buried inside. EVERYBODY forgets about it there is a photo linked down further on this page in the. S1. 05. 6 section that shows you where it is. The N cell is only used in the. TU5. 46 and the later silverface test sets, and is only used in receiver metering position. Moto slipped up in the initial. Transit or Off position on the rotary switch, or at least. I have seen more test sets ruined by leaky N cells than I. I saw one test set where the owner relocated the zero center. N. cell, pushed two brass thumbtacks into the ends as contacts, soldered a piece of zip cord. N cell battery holder, and fastened. C battery holder in the cable storage area to hold the replacement for the. N cell. The power switch for the four D cells is implemented as a jumper. In addition to the four D cells and the N. So add a label to the unit saying something to the effect of DO NOT leave the main meteringswitch in Position 4 If you have the deviation meter option you should add something to the effect of AND. Check Deviation Meter Power Switch A simple protective covering for your label is a piece of the thick clear shipping tape. By the way, mercury Ncells are no longer available. The actual TU5. 46 test set manual, part number 6. A is. here, courtesy of Marvin Moss W4. UXJ. It. is a 2. 0 MB 5. PDF file, and the schematics are segmented for printing on 8. Eric Lemmon WB6. FLY scanned his copy of the same manual in a full width. MB. PDF. Both files have the information on only the test set and the peaking generator. The audio generator and deviation meter options had their own manual and I do not have. Marvins PDF file has the extremely rare Moto authored mod sheet. GE radios of the. Those pages are available as a separate PDF. MB PDF. Erics. file is a full width scan, you will want to put the file on a USB flash drive and have. GE LBI index page at this web site for more comments on printing full width PDFs. Heres the Moto portable test set schematic by itself Horizontal format for viewing. Vertical format for printingThis schematic is probably for the late TU series greyface or for the S series silverface. MICOR adapter and wiring mods. The diagram is a large. The deviation meter option depended on the peaking benerator being there already. The. owner of the test set in the upper photo used the option space to store metering cables. The test set in the lower photo below has the peaking generator option. MICOR test cable plugged in. The peaking generator has a multiposition. While not technically a portable test set, the TEK5 model uses the same cables as the. TU5. 46 test set above. It has one meter for each of the most popular metering positions. Heres a photo of the TEK5. C version probably from an ebay auction We also have a manual for the TEK5. Heres documentation for a meter. TEK5. E. Heres documentation for the TEK4. MICOR metering conversion kit for the TEK5. B or TEK5. C, which is installed in the meter. Test Cable Numbers The above photo shows the three most common cable kits. Not shown is the common homebrew 5 to 6 foot long 1. It is. made up of the raw bulk test set cable part number 3. H0. 1, plus a set of 1. Moto, but are available from Heath and. Collins enthusiasts, or on e. Bay. The SKN6. 01. The documentation on it is in the test set manual. In the photo. above it starts at the blue plug and ends at the 1. The TKN6. 02. 5 cable is the adapter cable for the above cable. It has the female. Motrac  Motran  Mocom  Mitrek radios on the other. In the photo above it starts at the 1. The manual on the TKN6. A is a single page schematic. E. Scan courtesy of Tom. Gunderson W9. SRV. A much smaller file 4. B PDF was supplied by Eric Lemmon WB6. FLY. A slightly older version. B PDF was supplied by Eric Lemmon WB6. FLY. The SKN6. 01. In mid 2. 00. 6 the price on this cable was about 1. The manual on this cable is. A2. 2 B. The TEK3. TU series test set allows the test set to be used on MICOR. It is made up of one plug assembly that plugs into the test set plus two. TEKA7. 2 cables. Heres a photo of a fresh out of the box TEK3. A. and the lower of the two TU series photos above shows it plugged into the test set. The TU series and the early. S1. 05. 6  1. 05. MICOR kit the mod simply adds MICOR functionality. The documentation on the TEK3. A MICOR cable kit is. Eric Lemmon WB6. FLY. The cables used in this kit had their own part number. TEKA7. 2A and their own manual, the. C5. 3 A. That manual. C6. 3 A and is a much. Eric Lemmon WB6. FLY. The original TEK3. TEK3. 7A dropped the switch. Heres a schematic of the TEK3. You can add a SPDT switch and an 1. TEK3. 7A to get the. TEK3. 7 functionality if you want to. An early version of the TEK3. P8. 42. 53. C6. 5 adapter. If anyone has a copy of the writeup we can scan please let us know. If you have an extra cable perhaps the 1. Motrac, Motran. Mocom 3. Prada Serial Number Check more. Mocom 3. 5, Mocom 7. Mitrek, and several other radios then you need to order. The metering socket photo is by Bob Meister WA1. MIK. The complete plug kit. A2. 6 and it will set you back about US1.